Friday, April 20, 2007

3:35 PM, April 20, 2007

Thank you all for your prayers. I've received dozens of messages from people all over the world to let us know they are praying for Debbie and our family along with great words of encouragement. I want each of you to know that I am printing your messages out and Debbie and Jerry are reading all of them. They have been great encouragement.

Our family has a strong history of prayer and seeing God answer prayer. My grandfather Bob Burgess was a great man of prayer. He walked with the Lord and the Lord listened to his requests and answered. My father Jerry also walks with the Lord, and over my 28 years on this earth I have seen the Lord work in miraculous ways on more occasions than I can count. I know many of you who are reading this were led to deeper levels of commitment to prayer through Jerry's work and encouragement. Many years ago, Jerry began to keep a journal of prayer requests along with information about when and how these prayers were answered. It is truly a testimony of God's power. I say all of this so that each of you know that we are and have been a family of prayer and faith for many decades now, and when we know that you are praying for us, it is meaningful to our family in a very tangible way.

Today has been another good day for Debbie. She probably overexerted herself a little yesterday because she felt so much better, and as a result she had some times of severe pain. Overall she has been fairly comfortable.

Continue to pray that the Lord will remove the infection. Mom's oxygen levels and blood pressure have come back into a good range. Continue to pray for mental and emotional strength.
On Monday the doctors are going to give more chemo options, and treatment would start then. They have told us that the chances of chemo curing her cancer at this point are negligible. They place the odds at 10% that it will have any impact at all, and the odds are quite a bit less that she will be able to make any type of recovery to a normal life.

Some hard decisions are going to be made over the next four days. Pray that Debbie and Jerry will have wisdom, and that the doctors will as well.

Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers.


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