Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Our First Day Of School At CHA

I have a new e-mail address at home.

It is

Dear friends and family:

This morning I took Jeremiah (17), Mercy (15), and William (10) to classes at Christian Heritage Academy for the first time. They were excited and somewhat apprehensive. The reality of our new life together really sank in when we pulled up to the building where nearly 700 other students were unloading from a mass of cars.

While I was there, I thought about how excited Debbie would have been if she was there this morning. I thought about the look of wonder and joy and relief on her face when we told her just a few days before she died that a way was being made for the children to attend CHA. I thought about how this would not be possible without all of you that have helped us and prayed for us.

Thank you for caring for us.

Jerry Wells

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Copy Of Video Recording Of Debbie's Funeral Service

Dear Friends:

If you would like a copy of the video recording of Debbie's funeral service please use the form below to make an order. Due to the life that Debbie lived and the testimonies that were shared, we have heard from many people who attended the service that God changed their lives. We believe that Debbie's life message will continue to be a blessing to those on earth even as she enjoys her eternal life in heaven.

Jerry Wells
Psalms 40:1-3

Western Hills Church Video Productions Ministry

Debbie Wells Memorial Service
DVD Order Form

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DVD Order Information:
Number of copies: _______
Number of copies x $10: $_______
Shipping and handling: $ 2.00
Sub total for purchase: $_______
Total amount enclosed: $______________

Please complete this form and mail with payment to:
Western Hills Church
401 SW 44th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73109

Call 405-634-1454 and ask for Brandon Werner if you have any questions.