Monday, April 30, 2007

9:56 PM, April 30, 2007

Today was fairly uneventful. Mom continues to lose some of her alertness. When she is awake she still recognizes people fairly well and can follow conversations. She's dreaming or hallucinating more and more.

William, the youngest of the 8 siblings, is going to be baptized tomorrow evening at 6:00 on the back patio so Mom can see it. I know this will mean a lot to her.

We continue to try and keep her as comfortable as possible. She's still enjoying her cherry limeades. I've been reading your emails and messages to her every day.

Thank you all again for your prayers and support.


Sunday, April 29, 2007

12:34 AM, April 29, 2007

This is the fourth day in a row that Mom has gotten noticeably weaker. For the most part she is comfortable with little pain and nausea, but her ability to keep alert or communicate has gotten progressively worse as the days have gone by.

She still recognizes us and is able to follow conversations, but her ability to interact is almost non-existent at this point. I’m convinced that her spirit remains the same as it has always been. Occasionally her eyes will open, focus on you, and she almost looks healthy again, but it passes quickly after two or three words and then she has to rest once more.

This is one of the most difficult things about the disease. Mom is tantalizingly close, but her body only allows flashes of her to show through. You would love to have a good talk with her and hear her encouraging words, and you know she feels the same, but her body won’t allow her to engage.

I’m reminded of 1 Corinthians 13:12. “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

We now see Mom through a glass, darkly.

Far from being a discouraging thought, for Christians, this should bring us great joy. Even though we see through a glass, darkly, our walk with Christ is still such a wonderful thing. As I see a living example of knowing a person through a glass, darkly, I look forward excitedly to when I can know fully. If the difference between knowing Mom when she was healthy and knowing her now is anything like knowing Christ fully and knowing Him now, then we truly have something to look forward to.

It is also an example of how I should seek a deeper relationship with Christ. I have such a strong desire to have one good conversation with Mom. I feel like I’ve said all the things I need to say to her, and I’ve heard everything I need to hear from her, but when I’m with her I would give just about anything to talk normally about anything with her. I want that relationship which her weakened state denies me. In the same way, we should long to break through that glass and have a relationship with Christ. It is our weakened state that denies us that full relationship, but we have a hope that as we strive to become more like Christ, our relationship can grow and eventually be full.

The past several days, Mom has mentioned several times people she knows that are lost. She wants to be sure they have the blog address so they can hear her testimony and come to know the Lord. I’m sure none of you are surprised that the eternal lives of others are her greatest concern as she endures this trial.

We are still praying for a miracle. Thank you for all your prayers and support.


Friday, April 27, 2007

9:16 AM, April 27, 2007

Mom had a very difficult day yesterday. She was very weak and fading in and out.

With Mom's situation, it is difficult at times to tell what symptoms are being caused by her illness and what are being caused by her medication. It is a delicate balance in trying to manage her pain and give her some quality of life.

As the day wore on, Mom actually appeared to get a little stronger. Dad, Zach, Jacob and I spent 2-3 hours talking with her last night...most of the time we spent laughing, which was good for us and for Mom. She was also provided with a cherry limeade from Sonic, one of her favorite drinks in the world. She made sure that we only got her a kiddie size because, "She didn't want to be addicted."

I told her that with all the things being put into her body, cherry limeade addiction was the least of my concerns. You've never seen anyone enjoy a cherry limeade like Mom did last night. Zach said it looked like a religious experience. After watching the way she enjoyed that drink, I was actually a little worried about cherry limeade addiction.

Mom even sang a little Hank Williams for us, as she told us about her mother and how she used to sing "Hey Good Lookin'" as she washed the dishes back in Kermit, Texas. She managed to add some hand motions as well.

We're hoping today is a better day than yesterday. She really exerted herself getting home on Wednesday, and she had not had nourishment for about 48 hours. She's now getting the nourishment again and has had a full day of rest, so we're praying that makes a difference.

Your emails and messages continue to be a blessing. I read the latest messages to her yesterday afternoon, and they really pick her spirits up. Our thanks to all of you who take the time to write and pray.


Thursday, April 26, 2007

2:14 PM, April 26, 2007

Mom made it home yesterday afternoon. She was amazed by all the work that had been done to the house. Several people from their church came together and redecorated the living room. They purchased a new sofa and recliner as well as coffee tables, end tables, rugs, lamps, and other items. Everything looked amazing. Mom was absolutely overjoyed and just wanted to sit and stare at her new room.

Caleb, Zach, and one of their friends, spent several days doing landscaping work to the front of the house. They put in new pavers and created a new walkway. They also planted dozens of flowers and several shrubs. It looks unbelievable. Mom was ecstatic. This is something that Mom has wanted done for years, and she was so excited to see her vision become a reality.

As to her health, the last 24 hours have been uneventful, which is a good thing. Her pain has been managed well and she is alert for good periods of time. Her spirit remains unchanged. She is still the same joyful person that she has always been, and spends most of her time encouraging those around her.

Several of the ladies from Western Hills Church have volunteered to sit with Mom every day so there is always somebody nearby to help. This is a great thing for Dad, as he can take time to rest knowing she is in good hands. At night a nurse comes and spends the night with her, making sure she is comfortable and stable.

The church body has responded in an amazing way throughout this entire situation. Mom and Dad's church (Western Hills Church) has stepped in and met every possible need. They have done many special things that have brought joy to Mom and the rest of our family. Our church body (Northwest Baptist Church) has also stepped in to meet many of our needs. Meals have been brought, our home was cleaned, laundry done, and children kept with numerous offers of further help should we need it. It is difficult to think that many people go through situations just like ours and do not have a church family to support them. We would not be able to handle this situation with the peace and faith that we have without the support of our churches and our extended family.

Mom's family has been here throughout the ordeal, helping in any way they can. Dad's family has also been with us constantly, giving themselves in any way they can to meet our family's needs.

Your emails and messages have also been very important. Mom has read each and every one of them. On several days I have given Mom a manila folder filled with 30 pages or more (12 point single spaced) of encouraging words and tributes of gratefulness for her impact. Not only does this lift her spirits, but it will be a great legacy for future generations of Wells.

Anybody who has been involved in church knows with their minds that God loves them. John 3:16 is probably the most memorized verse in the Bible. It is in circumstances like these that He uses human beings to tangibly demonstrate His love. I hope it is a blessing for you to be used as a conduit for Christ's love. It has been a great blessing for our family to receive it.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

10:17 AM, April 25, 2007

Mom spent last night in the hospital. She was stable and comfortable. The only reason she stayed one more night in the hospital is so that we could work out hospice care for her at the house.

Finding good hospice care is such a difficult decision because of the costs involved and our desire to find somebody who will truly have Mom's comfort and well-being at heart. We praise the Lord for God's provision.

Dear friends of our family stepped in and provided home health care for Mom free of charge. We can't tell you how grateful we are that Mom will be cared for and made comfortable in this way. It is a major answer to prayer. We are amazed at the love the Lord has shown our family through His Body.

Mom will be going home later this afternoon.

I'm going to post the information again for those who would like to give a gift for Mom towards William, Mercy, and Jeremiah's education. If you would like the full story, please read the entry entitled "A Way to Give Back to Mom" posted on April 24, 2007.

If you would like to give a gift, you may give the gift directly to Christian Heritage Academy. Mark the gift towards the “Wells Family Tuition Aid”. CHA is a 501C3 non-profit organization, so all gifts are tax deductible. Their address is 4400 SE 27th Street, Del City, OK 73115.

If you want to make your gift anonymous, please indicate that as well. Otherwise, the school will provide us with a list of names (not amounts) so our family can express their gratitude.

Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers. Your emails and messages of encouragement continue to bless my parents. I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply to all of you, but know that we are grateful for every thought and word sent.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A way to give back to Mom

As Mom has journeyed through this situation, she has done so with remarkable peace and faith in the Lord. There have been times when she was staggered. Bad reports have a way of knocking the wind out of you. It was especially difficult when we found out that she had two new spots on her liver after we had received the good report on her just a few weeks earlier, but through it all she has maintained her faith in the Lord’s plan. She knows that she is in His hands, and that her family is as well.

Through this entire ordeal, Mom had one burden that weighed heavily upon her heart. Her three youngest children, Jeremiah, Mercy, and William, were still in school, and Mom worried about their education once she could not continue to provide it for them.

As most of you probably know, other than myself, our entire family has been home educated for the entirety of their school days. I was home educated from the 3rd grade on. This past year was very difficult for the children and Mom as they tried to continue their schooling as she received her chemo treatments. Feeling as if the children did not get the kind of time and attention they needed, she began to look for other options.

After looking at viable options, Mom felt at peace about only one of them, and that was to send the children to Christian Heritage Academy. She felt at peace about CHA because of the Godliness of the school’s founder, Ralph Bullard, and the schools current headmaster, Josh Bullard. They teach a Christ centered curriculum and have high academic standards. The staff are all Believers and Mom knew that it would be a safe place for her children to grow and learn.

Over the past several months, Mom did the work necessary and put in the paper work for the children to enroll at CHA. As her health deteriorated over the past several weeks, she became even more convinced that the Lord had led her to prepare for her children’s education in this way.

The only issue was provision. Several weeks ago, Dad informed Mom that the Lord would have to provide a way for the children to go. As their finances currently stand, it would not be possible for them to afford sending 3 children to Christian Heritage.

As Mom was in her early days at the hospital last week, she was in tremendous pain. As those around her would pray for her physical pain to cease, Mom would pray out loud that the Lord would provide for her children and ease that burden on her mind.

As my Grandmother Joy listened to Mother’s cries for her children, the idea came to her that a trust should be set up in Mom’s name with the funds going towards the children’s education at CHA. She wanted confirmation that this idea was from the Lord, so she sought the counsel of Godly men. They confirmed the idea, and the process was set in motion.

The next day, Mom was again in severe pain. As Grandmother sat and prayed for her physical comfort, Mother again asked the Lord to provide for her children and relieve her of that mental burden. Joy said, “What if I told you that the children’s education is going to be provided for?”

Mom immediately broke down in tears of relief and gratitude. Grandmother explained the idea of the trust as Mom thanked the Lord for His provision. She has been at peace ever since that day. She has felt mentally and emotionally prepared for whatever else may come.

Many of you have asked, "What you can do for Mom or the family?" This is one of the greatest gifts you could give my Mother. She wants her three youngest children especially, to see evidence that the Lord will watch over them and meet their every need, even if He is not able to meet those needs through her any longer. It is also a way for her to help provide for her children’s future.

It will cost approximately $80,000 to send all three children to Christian Heritage Academy for the rest of their elementary and high school educations. Jeremiah will be a junior; Mercy a sophomore; and William will be in the 4th grade. This amount would pay for them all to graduate from Christian Heritage. As we attempt to project current costs over the next 8 years or so, it will cost around $5,800 per year for each of them to attend.

If you would like to give a gift, you may give the gift directly to Christian Heritage Academy. Mark the gift towards the “Wells Family Tuition Aid”. CHA is a 501C3 non-profit organization, so all gifts are tax deductible. Their address is 4400 SE 27th Street, Del City, OK 73115.

If you want to make your gift anonymous, please indicate that as well. Otherwise, the school will provide us with a list of names (not amounts) so our family can express their gratitude.

As I said, I know many of you have felt the urge to do something for Mother, and perhaps this opportunity will meet a need for you as well as for Mom and our family.

I again want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Our family is truly blessed.


3:43 PM, April 24, 2007

Mom's procedure went as planned. As of now she is planning to check out of the hospital today. She should come home this evening.

Thank you for your continued prayers.


11:03 AM, April 24, 2007

Mom is scheduled to have the procedure done that will insert the pump directly into her stomach at Noon today.

If all goes well and she is stable, she will be able to go home tonight. Pray that she will be stable, that her blood pressure and heart rate will be right, and that she will be able to head home tonight.


Monday, April 23, 2007

11:34 AM, April 23, 2007

Mom and Dad met with their doctor this morning. It appears that there is no hope in man at this point, so we are totally in the "God Zone" as my Uncle Trent said. Obviously we have always been in the "God Zone", but if Mom is to be healed, it will be solely through a miracle of His healing hand.

Mom is in very good spirits and standing on faith. She has not accepted that this is the last word on her life on this earth. The Lord can heal, and has healed others in similar circumstances. As a family, we are reliant upon His will to be done.

We have basically been told that the cancer Mom has is more aggressive than anything they’ve ever seen before. It is growing and spreading faster than any treatment they have can work. They said they were willing to walk with her through more chemo, or support her decision to go home. She will have a tube placed in her stomach on Tuesday to continue to drain the excess fluid and gas off her intestines and stomach. She will be going home soon after that.

As a son, I feel fortunate to be in the position that I find myself currently. Too many children never fully grasp the importance and impact of their parent's lives. As I take each of your emails, copy and paste them into a Word document for easier reading, and print them off for Mom and Dad, I am in awe at the widespread influence of their lives. The emails range from dear friends who they've known for years, to the random person who has only heard them speak in large gatherings or who has been ministered to by somebody else who Mom and Dad ministered to. Each and every email contains a story of gratefulness for Mom and Dad's lives or a heartfelt prayer.

Several nights ago I cried out to the Lord in anger over our family's situation. It is difficult to understand why bad things happen to people like my Mom. I have been especially grieved by the fact that my children may not have her in their lives any longer.

When I took over the job of updating the blog and receiving emails, I did so as a way to relieve the burden on my Dad, but the Lord knew what He was doing. He knew I needed to see how He has impacted so many lives through my parents. As a pastor's child, you know in an abstract way that what your family is doing and what your parents are doing is having an impact for Christ's kingdom. Because the impact of Mom and Dad's ministry tends to be so personal, it is very rare that you get to see and hear tangible evidence of how much their work has meant to those they have touched. It is not so rare to see your parents go through situations where you feel they are mistreated, abandoned or taken for granted. Those circumstances tend to be much more public. As a result, it is a constant battle for a pastor's family to love the Body of Christ and to support their parent's work. Seeing your messages of thanks and heartfelt prayers has not only brought peace to me about the current situation, but it has brought peace and perspective to my life as a pastor's child as well. Every child should have the opportunity to experience what I have experienced over the past weeks and months. The circumstances have been difficult, but I know the Lord is in it.

As I said earlier, it is difficult to understand why the Lord would put Mom and Dad through such a difficult situation. It is hard for my limited mind to grasp the logic in Him allowing people who are doing His work to go through difficult trials or even removing them from their work on earth. I believe God is a logical God, not a random being who acts on a whim. His creation is evidence of His planning and logic. When His actions seem illogical to us, it is only because we do not know all the facts and because God operates on a plane of existence that we cannot fully comprehend in our human state. Some facts we may never know until we get to heaven, others we as humans tend to ignore.

As I look at the current situation, I believe that there is logic in it. As I think on why God may take Mom at such a young age when it seems she has so much work left to accomplish for Him, I am reminded of the fact that this life is merely a vapor, a wisp, a puff of air in the grand scheme of eternity. Knowing that God is a logical God, I find it hard to believe that He would make our short time here on earth the most important part of our existence. Mom's most important tasks are still at hand, and she cannot begin them until He takes her to be with Him.

Selfishly I am still praying that He will leave her here for awhile longer for my benefit, Dad’s benefit, the benefit of my siblings, and that of my wife and children. I know that His timing is perfect.

Josh Wells

Sunday, April 22, 2007

8:53 PM, April 22, 2007

Mom wasn't as well today as she has been the past several. She had some severe nausea this morning. They gave her some medication, but it has made her very tired. She fades in and out of alertness and doesn't really have the strength to hold conversations anymore.

Dad and Mom will talk to their doctor tomorrow morning and make a decision on the next course of action. Their are really two choices: Mom can start another round of chemo with the knowledge that the chances of it being successful are negligible, or she can go home and allow the Lord to either heal her or take her home. Obviously this is a very difficult decision to consider. Pray for wisdom as they try to hear what the Lord would have them do.

Your messages really lift Mom and Dad's spirits. I encourage you to continue to send them. If you have anything you would like to say to Mom, then now is the time. Don't leave anything unsaid that you feel prompted to say.

I would also encourage you to send words of encouragement for Dad. He really needs the support of his friends and the Body of Christ, whom he has given his life ministering to.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. Our family truly appreciates them.

Josh Wells

Saturday, April 21, 2007

3:05 AM, April 21, 2007

Debbie had another good day today. She was very comfortable when we saw her tonight. Those who know her will not be surprised that much of the time we spent with her today, she was encouraging us. She has a worship CD playing in her room that she sings along with when she feels up to it, and she is constantly praying for those who are visiting her and giving them encouragement.

She continues to run a fever and her white blood cell count is high, which indicates there is still an infection in her body. Her pulse rate is higher than it should be. It has not dropped below 100 in several days, even though she is doing nothing but sitting. Pray for these things to correct themselves.

Thank you for all your prayers and messages. She loves reading them and they are a great encouragement. She has mentioned multiple times that it means so much to her that you all are praying for specific circumstances that are taking place. If you have a message for Debbie, I encourage you to send it to and we will make sure she gets it.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Debbie's Character

This note was written by Jill Wells, Debbie's daughter-in-law. She wanted to share it with those who know and love Debbie.

I was remembering today the joy Jerry experienced when Josh was able to give a testimony on his behalf for the congregation of Western Hills Baptist Church recommending that they receive him as their pastor. I wrote the below note to a friend yesterday and I feel the Lord prompting me to share this with you all, that I may be a testimony on Debbie’s behalf. Knowing I may not always have the courage to express my true feelings verbally and openly, I do however long to praise her publicly. May God bless you

Responding to the question how are you? …It is strange because I will think about Debbie’s physical pain and I’m sad. Then as I continue to think about her I can’t help but be joyful. She is such an encouraging, smiling, caring, loving, energetic and joyful person that when I think of a memory or moment we’ve shared I’m comforted again. I can’t wrap my mind around how well she loves me, loves us all really. With her encouragement I have accomplished more than I had in years spiritually, physically, emotionally, as a wife, as a mother…. And it was truly an unconditional free gift. Debbie is this amazing reflection of knowing the Lord. Debbie reminds me of Jeremiah 17:7 'Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will ceases from yielding fruit.' It is obvious that she has deep roots in the Lord. She stays by the river and her thirst is ever quenched by His through His power; green and ever fruitful.My biggest fear is the possibility that I will be walking for many years to come without her example and advice. And I wonder: how will I become like her if she is not around to show me? But I know that she is only a mirror of my Savior and that he will continue to polish me up and use me too. So I am absolutely grateful to have known and to know her now because she is still showing me His joy and allowing Jesus to shine in the darkness.


3:35 PM, April 20, 2007

Thank you all for your prayers. I've received dozens of messages from people all over the world to let us know they are praying for Debbie and our family along with great words of encouragement. I want each of you to know that I am printing your messages out and Debbie and Jerry are reading all of them. They have been great encouragement.

Our family has a strong history of prayer and seeing God answer prayer. My grandfather Bob Burgess was a great man of prayer. He walked with the Lord and the Lord listened to his requests and answered. My father Jerry also walks with the Lord, and over my 28 years on this earth I have seen the Lord work in miraculous ways on more occasions than I can count. I know many of you who are reading this were led to deeper levels of commitment to prayer through Jerry's work and encouragement. Many years ago, Jerry began to keep a journal of prayer requests along with information about when and how these prayers were answered. It is truly a testimony of God's power. I say all of this so that each of you know that we are and have been a family of prayer and faith for many decades now, and when we know that you are praying for us, it is meaningful to our family in a very tangible way.

Today has been another good day for Debbie. She probably overexerted herself a little yesterday because she felt so much better, and as a result she had some times of severe pain. Overall she has been fairly comfortable.

Continue to pray that the Lord will remove the infection. Mom's oxygen levels and blood pressure have come back into a good range. Continue to pray for mental and emotional strength.
On Monday the doctors are going to give more chemo options, and treatment would start then. They have told us that the chances of chemo curing her cancer at this point are negligible. They place the odds at 10% that it will have any impact at all, and the odds are quite a bit less that she will be able to make any type of recovery to a normal life.

Some hard decisions are going to be made over the next four days. Pray that Debbie and Jerry will have wisdom, and that the doctors will as well.

Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers.


2:26 AM, April 20, 2007

Debbie had a much better day today. They have inserted a tube through her nose and into her stomach that is pumping out excess fluid and air. It has done wonders in relieving her pain. It was encouraging to see her up and alert today after the last several days being so difficult for her. Continue to pray that she will be comfortable physically.

The underlying medical issues remain the same. The infection is still present at this point. They’re trying a battery of antibiotics to get this taken care of. Once this is done they’ll start the new chemo treatments.

One other issue that has come up is that Debbie’s oxygen levels in her blood have been dropping over the past day or so. Her inactivity makes it difficult to keep these levels up. Please pray that they will come back up.

Somebody is staying with Debbie 24/7. Even though the pain has been relieved to a degree with the fluid being pumped out, she is still reliant on pain medication to keep her comfortable. She is needing less, but she has to insert the pain medicine through her IV every 30 minutes to keep comfortable. We’re reminding her to push it herself while she is awake, and when she’s sleeping we press it for her.

Debbie, Jerry and our entire family appreciate everybody’s thoughts and prayers. Any replies I get to these emails I print off and give to Debbie and Jerry. Debbie said today that knowing others know what specific events are taking place and knowing they are praying for those specific events really raises her spirits. I encourage anybody to send a message to Debbie and Jerry to my email address (, and I’ll be sure they receive it. Dad is not really checking his email right now, so if you want to get them a message, my email is the best way to go. It means a lot to them to hear from all of you.

Continue to pray for God’s will. While our will is a miracle healing, we want God’s will even more. Please pray that we can bring our thoughts and feelings into line with what we know in our hearts as believers in Christ. God’s plan is perfect.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

8:39 AM, April 19, 2007

Debbie spiked a fever last night, letting the medical staff know that she does have an infection in her body. They believe it's in her intestines. Last night they were able to drain off about a liter of fluid and some air from her intestines. This has made her much more comfortable. She was able to have a fairly restful and pain free evening.

Because of the infection, they will not be able to start chemo treatments today. Please pray that the infection would clear. She cannot continue to take her nourishment from an IV indefinitely, and the only hope for her to be able to eat normally at this point is for the chemo treatments to shrink the blockage that is causing her issues.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

April 18, 2007

Debbie is still in the hospital. Her latest CT scan showed that the two spots on her liver have roughly tripled in size. She is also continuing to experience nausea and pain from a blockage in her intestines. They assume that the cancer is causing the blockage. She cannot keep down any food or liquid at this time without severe pain and nausea. She is being nourished through IV.

At this point the plan is to start an experimental form of chemotherapy as soon as they are sure there is no infection present in Debbie's system. Hopefully this will take place in the next 24 hours or so.

Please pray for rest and pain relief for Debbie. She is being constantly medicated for the pain and nausea, 24/7, and even with that she still experiences periods of severe pain.

Pray for Jerry especially. The situation is difficult in and of itself, but being in the hospital for most of every day weighs on one's spirit. Also pray for the younger children, William, Jeremiah and Mercy. This has probably been the most difficult period of days for the entire family, and it is especially difficult on the kids who are still living at home.

The situation is grave, but our family has faith in the Lord's plan for Debbie and for each of us. Please pray that His plan would be revealed to Jerry and each of us as many decisions are being made that do not have clear right or wrong answers.

Josh Wells

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April 17, 2007 Update

April 17, 2007

Debbie’s condition remains the same. (Nausea, Extreme pain in right side of abdomen.) The doctors are still not sure of the source.

There are no new developments other than her white blood cell count has elevated. She has had a series of blood tests to check for an infection.

She cannot begin chemotherapy until it is determined that she does not have an infection.

Please continue to pray with us for God to be merciful to us. I am reminded of what Paul said about Epaphroditus.
Phil 2:27
27 For indeed he was sick nigh unto death: but God had mercy on him; and not on him only, but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.
May God be merciful to us in the same way he was for Epaphroditus and those that loved him.

Monday, April 16, 2007

April 16, 2007 Update

I admitted Debbie to the hospital on Sunday morning. She was dehydrated from not being able to hold any thing down and she has had this awful pain in her side.
She is scheduled to begin another round of chemo therapy today.

The doctors are running tests in their attempts to discover what is causing the pain in her side and the nausea. Please pray for the pain and nausea to disappear.

Our circumstances do not look good at this point. I will not go into any detail. It is difficult to hope for what you desire from God when every circumstance seems to be leading to a different result.

Moses saw the red sea and pharaoh’s army. Israel saw the giants in the land of Canaan. Gideon saw the size and strength of his enemies. David often speaks about being surrounded by his enemies and the enemies of Israel. Paul faced unbelievable odds that could have kept him from fulfilling his mission.

We have found that you can either just accept whatever your circumstances say is going to happen or you can put your hope in God knowing He has the power and authority to change your circumstances. Debbie has chosen to put her hope in God and ask Him to change her circumstances. So every day many times a day she comes before his throne, praising Him for who He is and offering Him her requests.

And instead of just waiting on the results that would be reasonable to accept, she waits on God to perform a miracle. She has seen many miracles during her life time. And she would tell you that the greatest miracle has been how Jesus Christ saved her from sin and changed her heart, her attitudes, her words, her motives, and her actions. She would tell you about our nearly 30 years of marriage and her love for being a mother of eight children. She would tell you about her purpose for life and the abundant life that she has known because Jesus changed her. What a miracle!

And now she waits for another one. Please pray with us for this miracle!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

One Hundred And Eightyfive Days After Surgery

Dear Family and Friends:

I apologize for not sending you and update sooner. Our computer at home is not working and I have not been in the church office since Tuesday.

Debbie has been feeling very ill. She has been experiencing sharp pains in her abdomen. On Wednesday morning about 2:00am she became very nauseated and could not hold anything down. This is Saturday and her condition has not changed. We have been to the doctor on several occasions and at this point they are not sure what is causing the problem.

Deb became dehydrated so yesterday she received IV Fluids. An Ultrasound was also done on her kidneys and other internal organs but they were inconclusive as of the first reading. The lab work on her blood was fine. There does not appear to be any infection. Her red blood count is good and so in her hemoglobin. It does not appear that she has a urinary tract infection from the urology report.

You may remember that the CAT Scan on March 20 showed two new lesions. One was on her liver. The other was in her abdomen cavity. A blood test also showed her CA 125 count had elevated. This gave our doctor two witnesses to believe that the new lesions are malignant. A third would be how Debbie has been feeling.

The plan is for Debbie to begin a new round of chemotherapy treatments on this Monday at 2:00pm. Whether or not she will be able to begin will be determined by her physical condition.

Our plan is to care for her at home today. If there is not any change, we will talk to the doctor about having her admitted to the hospital tomorrow so she can be rehydrated and other tests can be run.

Please pray for healing for Debbie’s digestive system and for the nausea to be gone. Please pray for the source of her pain in her abdomen to be healed. Please pray for God to give us strength and faith to trust in Him.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

One Hundred And Seventyfive Days After Surgery

We met with out doctor yesterday. Debbie has been running a fever since last Friday and he wanted to run some tests and do some lab work. We should get some results back today.

He also shared with us that He had reviewed the CAT scan from March 20 and definitely felt that there were two new lesions that are worrisome for metastases. The previous lesions were stable or could not be seen on the CAT scan. He recommended that Debbie be placed in another clinical trial and receive more chemotherapy. This trial would not use the same drugs. Debbie has evidently grown resistant to the drugs that were used and so has the cancer. He would like to start this new trial within the next two weeks.

Please pray that we will know the Lord’s will with regards to his recommendation. Please continue to stand with us for Debbie to be healed. Please pray for the source of the fever to be discovered and removed.

I am so fortunate to be Debbie’s husband. And our children are so blessed to be Debbie’s children. And I know that those of you that know Debbie feel that you are so blessed to have her as a friend. Her faith and spirit are a constant source of faith and encouragement to our family even though she is the one who is suffering physically from this illness. God continues to keep her singing. Her trust in Him as His daughter is so real. And we are so grateful for each day that we have with her.
