Monday, January 07, 2008

The New Year

Our Christmas holidays were better than I anticipated. We certainly had our moments. But overall, we enjoyed the holidays. If you have been where we have been, you know that is an absolute miracle. You tend to wonder in your dark times if you will ever feel happy again without also experiencing suffocating sorrow. Three of my older children told me that it was the best Christmas Eve they had ever experienced. And Christmas Day with the Burgess and Richey tribe is always delightful.

Now we face our very first new year without Debbie. One of my best friends and Debbie’s best friends recently said to me, “The older I get, the less I know.” Tragedy like ours makes you feel this way. Certainly this does not mean I know less of God’s moral code or the scripture. I am a lot wiser today than I was at age 17 when Jesus found me. Certainly this does not refer my knowledge of God’s love and how I need to show it to others. That has grown as well.

The less I know refers to the way God chooses to show His love to us. His ways are higher than our ways.

Do you believe that God always does what is best for us? Isn’t that one of the definitions of love? Somehow God always does what is best for His glory and what is best for His children. They are like two rails of a rail road track with regards to God’s plan for our life.

This means every tragedy is best for God’s glory and best for us. This means a husband losing his beloved wife is best for him. This means a ten year old boy losing his mother is best for him. This means “The older I get, the less I know.” Get it?

This also means the older I get the less I know what is best for other people with regards to God’s glory and God’s will. Once again, I can tell anyone it is not best to violate God’s moral code. The consequences will be very painful. But with regards to so many other decisions that people make. “The older I get, the less I know.”

If it is best for children to lose their mother during the prime of her life and I am not their father, who am I to say what is best for those children and their future? Who am I to say what is best for you? “The older I get, the less I know.”

In 2008, come on down off your throne and join me down here with the rest of us former know it alls. Come on down before your next tragedy knocks you down. We are a lot less critical down here and a lot more compassionate and understanding. We are a lot happier. We are also easier to like; like my beloved Debbie Wells. I am sorry that it took her death for me to understand.

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