Tuesday, March 27, 2007

One Hundred And Sixtyseven days After Surgery

We met with our doctor today. There were two new developments on the latest CAT Scan that in the medical world they call “worrisome for metastases disease.” The CAT Scan showed a new development in Debbie’s liver and in her abdomen. These two lesions are small but new. The plan is to have another CAT Scan and blood test done in six weeks to see if there has been any change before our doctor makes any more recommendations for further treatment.

It is hard not to be swept away by sudden terrors no matter how many times you have faced your fears. But fear becomes our friend when we allow it to draw us closer to God. Please pray with us for these new lesions to disappear. But also pray that our whole family will draw closer to God. In His presence is fullness of joy.


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