Friday, March 09, 2007

One Hundred And Fortynine Days After Surgery

Debbie’s next CAT scan is March 20. We will meet with the doctor on March 27 to evaluate the CAT scan. She has finished all of the treatments that were scheduled. We are very grateful that this phase is over.

Debbie’s blood counts are low from the chemotherapy. (Red Platelets and Hemoglobin). This makes her very tired and causes her to have shortness of breath. Normally the doctor will recommend a blood transfusion if the levels do not increase within seven days or if the count gets to low.

Please pray for God to strengthen her and cause these counts to increase. Please pray for God to protect all of her vital organs. Please continue to pray for God to destroy every cancer cell.

Thank you for your prayers. I read today a note from Jim Logan that said that God has chosen to serve us through our prayers. It is very humbling to know that the creator of all things listens and responds to our requests. We have seen His mighty hand responding to our requests from the day we discovered that Debbie was ill. At this point, He has not given us everything that we have requested based on what we can see. But He has given us everything we need and certainly more than we deserve. Thank you for standing with us in prayer.


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