Monday, February 19, 2007

One Hundred and Thirty-one Days After Surgery

Debbie’s seventh chemo treatment last Wednesday was very challenging. All went well until the last 30 minutes. When they started the last drug she became very ill after 15 minutes. They began treating her with some nausea medicine and some Benadryl. When I arrived to pick her up she was beat red and her words were slurred. We laughed about this later when I told her she was loopy.

This is not considered an abnormal reaction to such powerful drugs. But it was abnormal for Debbie. It was more frightening for me then it was for her. She began to feel better that evening and was fine by the next morning. Besides this reaction, the other side affects have been normal; just tremendous fatigue!

We feel very blessed by your prayers. We know that the side affects can be much more severe then what Debbie has experienced. We attribute this to your prayers and the mercy of the Lord. The nurses have called her one of their poster children for chemo patients.

Her eighth treatment in this clinical trial is scheduled for February 28. She is scheduled to have a stint removed from her kidney and bladder on February 27.

Please pray for God to bless Debbie with no complications from the removal of the stint.

Please pray for God to bless the next treatment so that it will kill any remaining cancer cells.

The theme of Debbie’s life is run the race with endurance that God has set before you. When Debbie has run in a Marathon, her endurance has amazed me.

This is a different type of marathon but she is demonstrating the same endurance. Her aim is to glory the Lord through the process by trusting Him unconditionally. She wants to hear those words, “Well done good and faithful servant!”

Your prayers are lifting her up to achieve her goal. Thank you for standing with her and our family at such a time as this.

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