Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Twentieth Day After Surgery

Debbie gets a little stronger each day. She went to church last Wednesday evening and also on Sunday. (She teaches a discipleship class for young ladies age 12-18). We had friends and family over on Saturday. We went to a friend’s Ordination Service on Sunday evening. She drove the car for the first time last week. We are definitely making progress.

Please continue to pray for her digestive system to work normally. Pray for her back to be strengthened and for the pain to be removed. Continue to pray that she will gain weight and that her appetite will increase. Continue to pray for God’s wisdom as we decide on treatment. We meet with the Doctor again next Tuesday, November 7.

Pray for both Debbie and I to be alert to those that the Lord wants us to minister to through this trial.

We appreciate all of you that are standing with us at such a time as this.

If you would like to e-mail Debbie, you can do so at jerrywellsfam@sbcglobal.net. She is not able to respond to all the e-mails she receives but she reads them all.

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